initial research for a new film magazine 

the front cover is very colourful and has big font to alert the audience, it also has a few movie star names on the front like "brad pitt" this is to catch the readers attention about some of the actors featured in the movies . The cover also has a young women covering the front page,  this could be because the publishers want to attract a younger crowd. However to better this , i would suggest that the publishers used a well-known actor to engage the audience even more. In addition the front cover has "sex" in bold letters, they have done this to shock the audience so they can be interested into reading the magazine.

In this particular magazine it does not have a cover page spread therefore i would suggest that it adds one in as this can enhance the content for the reader.

In the Total film magazine it includes a few interviews about upcoming films. It includes an interview from director Darren Aronofsky. The sub heading for his interview is "the biggest insult to call this an MTV movie" a controversial comment like this will engage the audience as they will want to understand his reasoning behind the statement. Personally to improve the interviews i would interview a actor which is in the biggest movie about to come out as this would entice the audience as the movie will be in high demand.
Another suggestion to improve the Total film would be to include competitions in the magazine as this would entertain the audience.

There are many film reviews in this magazine. This lets the reader know about what the movie is about and if it has good ratings. In total film magazine it reviews some like The grinch, Unbreakable and the Family man. Film reviews are crucial to a film magazine as readers can receive different opinions on films before they watch it.

Total film Vs Empire  
Total film and empire are similar in many ways the first initial similarity is the front covers both have bold writing on the front, secondly they both feature a young women on the front, this could be because young women are more appealing/ eye catching to the audience. However, the difference between the front cover page is that Empire has less sub headings than Total film.
The second main difference is that Empire doesn't just advertise films it also advertises cars, radio's and alcoholic beverages, This could be because the target audience for the magazine is in the age range of 18+. The last difference is that Empire has a centre page spread, this is a positive difference as a centre page spread is eye-catching and good for advertising a movie.


1) How old are you ?


2.) What gender are you ?

male           female  

3.)How often do you buy a film magazine ?

Never    weekly   monthly 

4.)What articles do you like the most ?

Interviews          sneak peak        reviews

5.)How often do you go cinema ?

Never   Weekly    Monthly      

6.) what is your favourite genre ?


7.)Does film magazines influence you to watch the film ?

Yes       No

8.)Do you prefer only british films or other countries ?

only british           other countries 

9.)Do you buy non-film related magazines ?

Yes       No 

10.)How much would you pay for a film magazine ?


I then distributed a questionnaire to 10 people to find out what their answers are:

In my magazine there will be a lot of context about recent films that are currently trending in the UK and other countries as the majority of the people who answered my questionnaire replied that they preferred films from other countries included in my magazine. I will also include sneak peaks and celebrity interviews to entice the audience to purchase my magazine which will retail at £2.99 as in my questionnaire this was the price the majority of people would purchase.
my magazine will also include sneak peaks and discount/offers to big chain cinemas as this will bring in sponsorship for my magazine from other companies and in return they could promote the magazine in their cinema by posters or even adverts.


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