There is three types of advertisements; the first one being one off which means the advert is not associated with any other campaign,, for example; Cadburys dairy milk. The second is series which is similar adverts all at once- these adverts will all be associated with each other, for example; Think. The last type is Drama, this type of advert is very over the top and dramatic to attract attention, for example; go compare.


In this essay I will be analysing an advert, which is categorised as non-profit activism. I will be evaluating the purpose of this advert, if the techniques are useful for promoting their company or spreading awareness and what effect that the advert will have on the audience, in addition what audience is the advert targeted at. The advert was published on the 27th of august 2014; it was produced by the British heart foundation, to create awareness for the charity.

The advert I am analysing is for the British heart foundation- which is a charity, therefore the aims will be different to a profitable business; as the purpose of this advert would be to spread awareness of the British heart foundation and receive as much donations for the charity. This advert in particular is about a 10 year old boy called Dan who received open heart surgery. The advert begins by a young boy narrating his story of his heart problem that he has and the surgery that he endured.

The beginning has no background music or sound effects. The young voice shows innocence and vulnerability, so at 00.06 the boy emphasises on the word "death" this would shock the audience as a young boy shouldn't have an acknowledge of death, also as the producers used a young voice people will feel much more sympathy towards Dan Harris. The message of the advert is to spread awareness about open heart surgery; they have used a young boy to emphasis the seriousness of open heart surgery.  The genre of this advert also uses inspirational music to bring attention to how inspirational individual is to undergo heart surgery and especially young people. The purpose of this advert is raising brand awareness for members of society to donate to the charity and raise as much money for heart operations and other heart relate causes. This advert is a one-off and it tells a story of Dan Harris, as they have used his name it can create a more personal relationship between the young boy and the audience. This type of advert would be aired around 9am as this is when parents or guardians have dropped their children off at school- so they would feel more obliged to donate as they wouldn’t want their child to go through heart surgery. However as Heart problems also occur in all ages, most commonly the older generation, they could also air this advert around 5pm as this is when commuters are heading back home.
