Yanni Parbirom 
Media studies,unit 45 commercial radio
Fay stowe

What are the main purposes of commercial radio

In this essay I will be exploring the purposes and some of the strategies for commercial radio; I will be referring to radio stations such as, Radio one and Capital FM. I will be also analysing how the purposes have an impact on their audiences.
The first main purpose of commercial radio is advertising; this is because advertising is the only way commercial radio stations can make money, they are funded by advertising companies, events, or products, and they can also make money by promotions and sponsorship from other organisations. For example Capital FM is sponsored by Coca Cola zero. The more listeners that the radio station gets, the more appealing the radio station will be to organisations to sponsor.
Some commercial radios organise music events or festivals to bring awareness to their station and this will also lead to more funding for the radio an example of this is when Radio One hosts “Radio One’s Big Weekend” this is a three day festival hosted in a different location each year. By radio one doing this it advertises the Radio and it shows to the public what music is played on their radio if they don’t usually listen, so this is also used to entice new listeners and get their ratings up.

In conclusion, the main purposes of commercial radio is to advertise their ratio and get as many listeners possible as the radios only income is by advertising other companies, promoting deals ,and creating competitions for listeners as callers will be charged for calling in, this will also engage the listeners.

1. to make money
2. to get sponsors
3.to reach a wider range of audience
4. Advertising

name two regulations:
2. ASA

3 styles of radio:
1. live reads
2.spoken by on air
3.direct marketing

persuasive techniques
1. Humour
2. Repetition
3. Shock

intertextuality when an advert uses a text to refer to another e.g. compares adverts against each other

watershed is when you play the advert after 9pm

off com they can ask to change their advert or take it down

1. Physiological needs
2. safety
3. love and belonging
4. esteem needs
5. self actualisation

Reward and punishment
physical needs
